TRAINING TOOLKIT for migrants in the Home and Residential Care Service Sector
Migrants are often employed under semi-legal or even illegal conditions, partially because they are missing a formally recognized certificate in the host country or partially because they have never been formally trained for care work. Unfortunately, there doesn’t exist any formally recognized training qualification on a very low training level (EQF Level 1) that (low-qualified) migrant care workers could access. This is why the MtC-project team decided to design such a qualification description, using the ECVET methodology which promotes transfer, recognition and accumulation of an individual’s learning outcomes.
Given the need of language competences in a specific working area that requires the knowledge of a work based vocabulary, a work based language online course offered on a Moodle platform is developped in all partner languages. The course is oriented on real-life work situations, providing a list of useful vocabulary and sentences for specific workplace situations. The course is available via this link:
Find a video to discover the course.
If you want to implement the course in any of the partner country’s languages, please contact with the project coordinator or any of the partner organizations.
ECVET Qualification Description
The objective of this qualification description is to be in line with the Europe 2020 strategy that aims making lifelong learning and mobility a reality. Due to the fact that migrants are probably one of the biggest target groups in the EU that fits to this strategy as they are mobile all of their lives, a continuously learning process for this workers group is necessary in order to adapt to the new learning requirements in each host country.
ECVET Qualification Description
ONLINE HANDBOOK for Care Service Providers
This Handbook provides information and a set of question to guide through the recruiting process of migrants (legal procedure, work permit/residency permit, procedure to certify foreign work experience etc.) for each partner country.
This Comparative Analysis brings together the information relevant to the structures of the public and private care sector as well as the existent services offered in residential and individual care in each partner country.
The project team collected success stories and examples of good practice that focus on the training background of migrants, on handling discrimination at workplace and on resolving language/communication problems.
Click here to read the stories.
Secondary Result: PANDEMIC and CARE Work
The project team analyzed the situation of migrant care workers during the Pandemic in the partner countries and the reaction of governments to cope with the labor shortage in the care sector.